Toyota / GM


Geo-greens seek to combine into a single political movement environmentalists who want to reduce fossil fuels that cause climate change, evangelicals who want to protect God's green earth and all his creations, and geo-strategists who want to reduce our dependence on crude oil because it fuels some of the worst regimes in the world.
The Bush team has been M.I.A. on energy since 9/11. Indeed, the utter indifference of the Bush team to developing a geo-green strategy - which would also strengthen the dollar, reduce our trade deficit, make America the world leader in combating climate change and stimulate U.S. companies to take the lead in producing the green technologies that the world will desperately need as China and India industrialize - is so irresponsible that it takes your breath away.
Source:June 17, 2005 As Toyota Goes ...

GMが採用すべき戦略は、非常に単純なものだ:トヨタ以上にトヨタらしいことをすればよいのだ。具体的には、トヨタが未だ市場攻略に成功していない車種であるPlug-in HybridsとFlexible-fuelタイプのハイブリッド車を、補助金を政府が援助し開発を奨励するなどして、アメリカが率先してパイオニアとなるべきだとフリードマンは言う。プラグインタイプの車種では、夜間などに、電気をエネルギー源として充電しておくことができる。

  • 50%のアメリカ人は一日に20マイル以下の運転しかしない
  • アメリカは電気を輸入せずに自給している


The only thing we have a shortage of now are leaders with the imagination and will to move the country onto a geo-green path.