
New York Timesの特集Class Mattersの最新記事の中で、An Increasing Economic Segregationというなんともショッキングな表現が使われている:いまやアメリカの郊外の発展は、経済的な格差による棲み分けとほぼ同義になってきているというのだ。その人工都市では、各家庭の収入によって、家の概観や車の所有などがほぼ決定されてしまうのだという。セキュリティに問題は無いし、隣人関係も同質な環境であるがゆえに快適そのものだという。

Alpharetta may be deep in Dixie, but its accent is not. Of the 30,000 people who live in the Links' census tract, 75 percent were born outside Georgia. Six percent are black, and 12 percent are Asian. Fewer than 3 percent are over 65; fewer than 2 percent are poor or unemployed.

Two-thirds of the adults have had four or more years of college and earn more than $100,000 a year, twice the American family average. Their homes are worth an average of $400,000, twice the national average, and they have nearly twice as many rooms as the average house. "Everybody here is in the top 10 percent of what they do," Steve Beecham, a home mortgage broker, said, "or they desire to be in the top 10 percent."

まさに、良質な人間のサラブレッドだけを集めた人工都市である。が、この記事中、フォーカスされた一家はその区域を離れてもっと雑多な都市へと移り住む決断をする。なぜか?記事曰く、コミュニティの外部へとアクセスする際には、車での長距離の移動を強いられることが、Gated Communityの最大の難点なのだと言う。

A Brookings Institution analysis of census data last year reported that the percentage of people living in affluent or poor suburbs in 50 metropolitan areas increased from 1980 to 2000, and the percentage living in middle-income areas declined.
