Birth Tax

日本では国民1人あたりの国の借金がおよそ700万に近づいていると言われているが、アメリカのそれは──Birth Taxと仇名される国民の借金は──『新生児』一人当たり1600万円を軽く越える見込みであるという。

  • three-fourths of our new debt is now being purchased by foreigners, with China the biggest buyer of all. That gives China leverage over us, and it undermines our national security
  • More than two centuries of American government produced a cumulative national debt of $5.7 trillion when Mr. Bush was elected in 2000. And now that is expected to almost double by 2010, to $10.8 trillion.
  • President Bush has excoriated the "death tax," as he calls the estate tax. But his profligacy will leave every American child facing a "birth tax" of about $150,000.

Source:June 26, 2005 A Glide Path to Ruin

興味深いのは、Nicholas D. Kristofがこれを中国脅威論の一環として語ろうとしていることだ:対外負債の増加は、最大の債権購入者となる中国に大きなレバレッジを与えることになるのだ、と。