:Liberal and Religious

New York TimesのDavid Brooksは、貧困との戦争において、最も強力かつ新しい連携が形成されつつあるのだと説く:福音派とリベラルとの連携である。

I recently went to a U2 concert in Philadelphia with a group of evangelicals who have been working with Bono to fight AIDS and poverty in Africa. A few years ago, U2 took a tour of the heartland, stopping off at places like Wheaton College and the megachurch at Willow Creek to urge evangelicals to get involved in Africa. They've responded with alacrity, and now Bono, who is a serious if nonsectarian Christian, is at the nexus of a vast alliance between socially conservative evangelicals and socially liberal N.G.O.'s.

[・・・]I see evangelicals who are more and more influenced by Catholic social teaching, with its emphasis on good works. I see the historical rift healing between those who emphasized personal and social morality. [・・・]

[M]ore liberals and evangelicals are realizing that you don't have to convert people; sometimes you can just work with them. (May 26, 2005 A Natural Alliance By DAVID BROOKS )
