:Big-Government Concervatism


Goldwater's hostility to big government also extended to government meddling in people's private lives. He thundered that social conservatives such as Jerry Falwell deserved “a swift kick in the ass”, and insisted that the decision to have an abortion should be “up to the pregnant woman, not up to the pope or some do-gooders or the religious right”. For Goldwater, abortion was “not a conservative issue at all”. For many Republicans today, it often seems to be the only conservative issue. ('Come back, Barry' May 12th 2005 From The Economist print edition)

  Quick Review: 保守主義は従来、小さな政府を好む伝統をもっていた。がしかし、ブッシュ政権はこの伝統を完全に、意図的なものか偶然によるものかは置くとしても、無視し、民主党のお株であった大きな政府志向を共和党に導入した。

Congress trimmed Mr Clinton's budgets by $57 billion in 1996-2001; in Mr Bush's first term, it added an extra $91 billion of domestic spending.