
The Economist誌の記事によると、イスラム過激派のセルフ・リクルーティングのメカニズムは、一層把握しがたいものになりつつあるという。だが、そこにも幾つかの典型的なパターンが見て取れるのだとも言われている。一般に、第二世代のムスリム教徒は、女性のほうが社会に適合的に生活できるのだそうだ。ゆえに、相対的に男性は社会的劣位におかれることになり、かえって、古い価値観や原理主義的な思想に走りがちになってしまうのだという。

Another French “Islamologue”, Antoine Sfeir, has identified relations between the sexes as a big factor in the re-Islamisation of second-generation Muslims in Europe. Because young Muslim women often do better than men at adapting to the host society (they tend to do better at school, for example), old patriarchal structures are upset and young men acquire a strong incentive to reassert the old order.
In the highest levels of the British government, the dominant thinking is that economics does matter. If this is right, Europe's problem is obvious. Even in Britain, where anti-discrimination laws are relatively stringent, Muslims tend to be poor. Of all religious groups, they are the least likely to own their own homes. They are also the least likely to hold professional jobs and the most likely to be out of work. Just 48% of British Muslims reported that they were economically active in 2001, compared with 65% of Christians, 67% of Hindus and 75% of those who professed no religion.
Source:The enemy within Jul 14th 2005