

Workers were given every fifth day off, but their shifts were staggered, so that factories could run without interruption. The staggered week appealed rather less to the people who worked it, however. According to Witold Rybcynski's 1991 book about leisure, “Waiting for the Weekend”, Stalin's four days on, one day off, was unpopular, even though it was less onerous than the six-day week that preceded it. Families and friends rarely had the same day off; administrative staff rarely worked at the same time. After less than three years, the staggered working week was abandoned.(Relax! It's the law May 19th 2005 From The Economist print edition)

人々は、家族や知人と同じ時間帯に休息をとり、余暇を楽しみ、また、職場の仲間とたとえ競争的な環境においてではあっても同程度の時間働きたがるものなのだとするのが定説となってしまっている。 だが、今現在においても、そしてこれからもこの動物的特性に要因を見出す説明は可能なのだろうか? たとえば家族をもたず、人とは違った曜日に休みを取りたがるような人が就くような職種は、相当数想定することが可能ではないか?


American worker puts in 1,820 hours over the course of a year. Meanwhile, according to the OECD, his German and French counterparts clock up a mere 1,480 and 1,467 hours respectively.