


  • 2005年、およそ4000万人のアメリカ人は住居を替える
  • 2030年には、5人に1人のアメリカ人はLatino/ラティーノになる
  • 現在の収入格差は、19世紀後半のGilded Age金ピカ時代と俗称される南北戦争後のにわか景気の時代──に匹敵するほどの空前の規模になっている
  • トップのほんの一握りが、アメリカの富を独占しつつある
    • In 1979-2000, the real income of the poorest fifth of American households rose by 6.4%, while that of the top fifth rose by 70% (and of the top 1% by 184%). As of 2001, that top 1% nabbed a fifth of America's personal income and controlled a third of its net worth.

Source: America's great sorting out/The missing rungs in the ladder Jul 14th 2005 From The Economist



The Economist誌の記事によると、イスラム過激派のセルフ・リクルーティングのメカニズムは、一層把握しがたいものになりつつあるという。だが、そこにも幾つかの典型的なパターンが見て取れるのだとも言われている。一般に、第二世代のムスリム教徒は、女性のほうが社会に適合的に生活できるのだそうだ。ゆえに、相対的に男性は社会的劣位におかれることになり、かえって、古い価値観や原理主義的な思想に走りがちになってしまうのだという。

Another French “Islamologue”, Antoine Sfeir, has identified relations between the sexes as a big factor in the re-Islamisation of second-generation Muslims in Europe. Because young Muslim women often do better than men at adapting to the host society (they tend to do better at school, for example), old patriarchal structures are upset and young men acquire a strong incentive to reassert the old order.
In the highest levels of the British government, the dominant thinking is that economics does matter. If this is right, Europe's problem is obvious. Even in Britain, where anti-discrimination laws are relatively stringent, Muslims tend to be poor. Of all religious groups, they are the least likely to own their own homes. They are also the least likely to hold professional jobs and the most likely to be out of work. Just 48% of British Muslims reported that they were economically active in 2001, compared with 65% of Christians, 67% of Hindus and 75% of those who professed no religion.
Source:The enemy within Jul 14th 2005




  • In 1900, 80% of the world's Christians lived in Europe and in America; today, 60% live in the developing world. More Presbyterians go to church in Ghana than in Scotland. America's evangelical churches are intent on gathering souls in these new places. In 2002, for instance, the Southern Baptist Convention spent $290m abroad, establishing 8,369 churches and baptising 421,436 converts. Many missionaries return home shocked by the poverty and disease that they have encountered.
  • White Protestants have pulled the Republican Party to the “right” on domestic causes for the past quarter-century; now they are beginning to pull the party to the “left” on international issues. Source: The Economist Right on Jun 30th 2005




Q. 5. Do the people of North Korea have any idea how much food and fuel oil comes from international donors? If they do know, how is it justified in light of the juche policy of self-reliance? — Timothy Wells, San Francisco

More sophisticated North Koreans know about the reliance on foreigners, and it probably does cause some cognitive dissonance. The official explanation is that they've had bad weather that destroyed crops — every year since the mid-1990's. Obviously, that explanation has worn thin.
But remember that juche — self-reliance — isn't a theory so much as a religion. If a Christian loses a child, that doesn't make a Christian forsake Christianity. Likewise, many North Koreans manage to lose relatives to starvation or political oppression, and yet they still believe in the system. I've seen it in my interviews of Korean refugees abroad, and it seems very bizarre that people still believe in a system that has failed so badly.
Source: NYT July 26, 2005




So can anything be done to help North Koreans? Yes, if liberals stop ceding the issue to conservative Christians. Ultimately, the solution to the nuclear standoff is the same as the solution to human rights abuses: dragging North Korea into the family of nations, as we did with Maoist China and Communist Vietnam.
Source: July 24, 2005 Where the Right Is Right




Source:In Europe's midst Jul 14th 2005


Nicholas D. Kristofは6月28日付のコラムの中で、2つの種類のセキュリティシステムを対比させつつ、真に有効な制度設計への哲学を問うている。
Source: To Catch a Thief
The LoJackと呼ばれる最新鋭の車体盗難対策システムは、車を犯人に「盗ませる」ことにその特徴がある。車が発進した後で、システムは自動的に、犯人に気付かれること無く秘密裏に、ラジオトランスミッターを使って密かに警察を召喚するのだという。
対して、従来の大音量サイレン型のthe Clubと呼ばれる防犯システムでは、犯罪は減らない。犯罪は、別な対象へと矛先を逸らされるだけなのであり、社会全体の総和として見た時、犯罪に対しての有効な手立てにはまったく成りえていない。